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Mini Motivators:
Inspiring Quotes & Sparks of Wisdom To Fuel Your Fire!
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What’s the one thing we all need to keep us moving
from strength to strength in our professional performance?

Yes … motivation!
People who win at work know what motivates them; they have a fire in their belly, and move forward under their own steam – most of the time. On those days when we struggle, and we all have those days, we need a little fire under our butt to keep us moving forward!

Your Mini Motivators provide the sparks you need
to fan your fire into the triple flames of:

 1. Inspiration
2. Reflection
3. Action      

Don’t miss out!

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"Imagine what's possible.
Believe it's possible for you.
Go to work and make it real."
- Jim Rohn
© Significance Circle - A Division of LeaderCoach -
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PRIVACY PROMISE: We will never share, sell, or otherwise disclose your personal info.